Commonwealth Arbitration Reports ( CAR). Judgements relating to wages and salaries in theatrical employment. Reports. Six folders, 1928-1049 Box 5 Date: 1928/1049
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports ( CAR). Reports relating to wages and salaries in theatrical employment. Summary list and index to reports, 1936-1940 Box 5 Date: 1936/1940
Consignment received 2010 (33 ms boxes + 3 large folio boxes + 27 digital carriers + 2 sound/av carriers) Unit ID: MS Acc10.133 Physical Description: (33 ms boxes + 3 large folio boxes + 27 digital carriers + 2 sound/av carriers)
Context of theatre in Australia in the 1930s. Extracts from published works on theatres, theatre companies, genres (opera, vaudeville), general histories , selected newspaper clippings, biographies. 3 folders Box 22
Copies from Melbourne Conservatorium of Music archives for student records relating to Ballets Russes orchestra personnel Box 35
Copies of clippings about productions in Australia by the Ballets Russes companies of selected ballets : Coppelia, Graduation Ball, Protee, Les Presages, Symphonie Fantastique Box 23