Union of South Africa: removal of High Commissioner's office from Capetown to Pretoria, 1940-05 Unit ID: 900/Y. 4/11. AJCP Reel No: 5505 Date: 1940-05
Union of South Africa: retirement of civil servants and Imperial pensions contributions Unit ID: 602/G. 332 (Parts I–II). AJCP Reel No: 5400
Union of South Africa's financial position: notes on the public debt, additional budgets, issue of the Tax Redemption Certificates Amendments Regulations, August 1939-June 1942 Unit ID: 796/O. 321/61–64. AJCP Reel No: 5460 Date: 1939-08/1942-06
Union of South Africa: Society for the Oversea Settlement of British Women (Cape Town hostel): agreements Unit ID: 693/M. 305A. AJCP Reel No: 5416
Union of South Africa: Society for the Oversea Settlement of British Women (Cape Town hostel): general Unit ID: 693/M. 305/1–21. AJCP Reel No: 5416
Union of South Africa–South African High Commission Territories fiscal relations Unit ID: 473/20803/1–16. AJCP Reel No: 5352
Union of South Africa tariff revisions: maize exports to Canada Unit ID: 285/9283A/41–70. AJCP Reel No: 5285
Union of South Africa tariffs: Customs and Excise Amendment Act of 1940, Newfoundland newspaper for South Africa, May 1939-July 1940 Unit ID: 769/O. 154/41–64. AJCP Reel No: 5448 Date: 1939-05/1940-07