Wide gable of a house, with support poles for the adjacent house visible, Wogeo Island, Schouten Island group, Papua New Guinea, c.1925 Album 869/5 Unit ID: P783/899 Date: c.1925
Wide spread gable, reaching almost to ground, Garamut drum under roof overhang, Nissan Atoll [Green Islands], between New Ireland and Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, c.1929 Album P783 869/8 Unit ID: P783/1636 Date: c.1929
Wide, thatch gable roofed house, log walls that do not reach roofline, Arawi [Arawe], Island, New Britain, Papua New Guinea, 1926 Album 869/7 Unit ID: P783/1427 Date: 1926
Wire and calamus cane bridge, built by Chinnery, the police and others, beached canoe on river bank, Ioma Government Station, Tamata Creek, Papua New Guinea, c.1914 Album 869/2 Unit ID: P783/207 Date: c.1914
Wire and calamus cane bridge, built by Chinnery, the police and others, Ioma Government Station, Tamata Creek, Papua New Guinea, c.1914 Album 869/2 Unit ID: P783/204 Date: c.1914
Wire and calamus cane bridge, built by Chinnery, the police and others, patrol on the bridge preceded by two small dogs, Ioma Government Station, Tamata Creek, Papua New Guinea, c.1914 Album 869/2 Unit ID: P783/205 Date: c.1914
Wire and calamus cane bridge, built by Chinnery, the police and others, patrol seen heading for the Mambare division from the Ioma Government Station, Tamata Creek, Papua New Guinea, c.1914 Album 869/2 Unit ID: P783/203 Date: c.1914
Wire suspension bridge, wairopi, over the Kumusi River, Papua New Guinea, 1911 Album 869/2 Unit ID: P783/147 Date: 1911
Woman cooking taro in clay pot, Northern Division, Papua New Guinea, c.1913 Album 869/2 Unit ID: P783/100 Date: c.1913
Woman, facing forward, keloids, shell necklace, Squally [Emirau] Island, St. Matthias Island group, Papua New Guinea, [1], 1925 Album 869/6 Unit ID: P783/1055 Date: 1925