A leaflet Donald Groom fellowship: an appeal for a fund to encourage and support training and experience in non-violent social change, issued by the Australian Society of Friends, n.d. Box (Shared) Date: n.d.
A leaflet Life and worship: an invitation to meetings of the Society of Friends (Church Army Press), n.d. Box (Shared) Date: n.d.
A pamphlet titled World brotherhood, by A.A. Hooke (published by the Christian Pacifist Movement of Victoria), n.d. Box (Shared) Date: n.d.
Circular (roneod, not printed) regarding conscription, 27 August 1942 Box (Shared) Date: 27 August 1942
Circular (roneod, not printed) regarding conscription signed by Joan R. Boxall, 15 March 1943 Box (Shared) Date: 15 March 1943
Newsletter (roneod) from the Central Committee of Conscientious Objectors, signed by G.A. Bishop, n.d. Box (Shared) Date: n.d.
Newspaper cutting of Bill Tarry (hand dated 10/7/44) attached to a letter to J.G. Somerville, signed by H.V. Evatt, dated 4 February 1943, stating that he would discuss Tarry's case with the Minister for the Army, 1943 Box (Shared) Date: 1943
Pamphlet The Ethics of bombing, by "Commentator" (printed by Essendon Gazette Pty Ltd, and Forward Press, Moonee Ponds), n.d. Box (Shared) Date: n.d.
Printed pamphlet The Fallow ground of the heart, Reginald Reynolds (Peace News Limited), n.d. Box (Shared) Date: n.d.