A survey of recreatinal fishing in the in Mallacotta Inlet, Victoria / D.N. Hall, C.M. MacDonald and J.D. Kearney, 1985 Volume VGLSpf 133 Date: 1985
A survey of the erosion hazards related to utilization or destruction of timber within Imlay Shire, 1978 Volume VGLSpf 220 Date: 1978
A survey of the rabbit problem in Victoria based on information obtained from inspectors of Lands in 1979 / by Ivan Nolan; Keith Turnbull Research Institute for the Vermin and Noxious Weeds Destruction Board, 1981 Volume VGLSq 9 Date: 1981
A thirst for bureaucracy: a history of water management in N.S.W. 1788-1980 / Louise Martin and Peter Spearritt, [1984] Volume VGLSf 3 Date: [1984]
Australian Alps education kit / Department of Conservation and Environment (Victoria), 1992 Volume VGLSq 17 Date: 1992
Australian flora in the endangered species convention – CITES / John Leigh and Robert Boden, 1979 Volume VGLSp 13 Date: 1979
Australian Marine Science Association: conference and annual general meeting Adelaide, South Australia, 1980 Volume VGLSq 22 Date: 1980