Engineering for the environment wastewater disposal system for the Geelong Region / Geelong and District Water Board, [1986] Volume VGLSpf 310 Date: [1986]
Environmental assessment of the Avoca dryland salinity management planning area: Avoca dryland salinity management plan/report prepared by Margaret Allan [and 5 others] ; Department of Conservations and Natural Resources, Bendigo Region, 1992 Volume VGLSq 43 Date: 1992
Environmental effects statement Port Bellarine Victoria / Grahame Shaw & Partners Pty. Ltd., 1979 Volume VGLSq 261 Date: 1979
Environmental impact assessment and review of effluent disposal options for eastern treatment plant: Final report June 1999 / Brian Newell, Robert Molloy and David Fox, CSIRO Environmental Projects Office: prepared for Melbourne Water Corporation, 1999 Volume VGLS 1 Date: 1999
environmental impact of the chlorophenoxy herbicides 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D, 1981 Volume VGLSq 244 Date: 1981
Environmental values and effects of salinity on the flora and fauna of the Boort - west of Loddon salinity management planning area /.Allan Lugg [and three others], 1993 Volume VGLSq 201 Date: 1993
Environment effects statement: proposed trial of the value-adding utilisation system Central Gippsland and East Gippsland Forest management areas / Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands, 1988 Volume VGLSq 32 Date: 1988
Epidemiology of bovine tuberculosis: colonial gardens resort Townsville Qld 24-27 November 1992, 1992 Volume VGLSq 166 Date: 1992
Establishment of cover on earthworks ironbark country: Temora / by W.H. Johnston, 1975 Volume VGLSpef 7 Date: 1975
Establishment of Indigenous Eucalypts in dieback areas of Mullungdung State Forest Yarram Forest District / by F.G. Neumann, I.W. Smith and R. Jolly, 1979 Volume VGLSpf 255 Date: 1979