Future Future management and regulation of the marine farming industry a discussion paper, 1993 Volume VGLSpf 184 Date: 1993
Genetic variation in Eucalyptus Delegatensis 1. Provenance variation / I.D. Abbott and L.A. Pederick ; Forests Commission Victoria, 1984 Volume VGLSq 53 Date: 1984
Genetic variation in Eucalyptus Delegatensis 2. Altitudinal Variation in growth (two years) seed dormancy and cold hardiness / I.D. Abbott and L.A. Pederick ; Forests Commission Victoria, 1984 Volume VGLSq 54 Date: 1984
Gippsland Regional environmental study: the origin and fate of nutrients from natural sources in the LaTrobe valley: Victoria: final report / G.J. Pooley, 1978 Volume VGLSpf 59 Date: 1978