Salmon Aquaculture: industry sector profile / Natural Resources and Environment, 1999 Volume VGLSpf 87 Date: 1999
Salt loads generated by Lough Calvert drainage scheme and Woady Yaloak diversion scheme, and their contribution to Barwon River salinity (long version) / prepared by David Hooke, 1991 Volume VGLSq 258 Date: 1991
Satellite tracKing of female Australian fur seals from Kanowna Island: a pilot study determine the foraging range of fur seals from Victorian Bass Strait Islands and their potential for conflict with commercial fisheries / Report to Department of Natural Resources and Environment by John P.Y. Arnould and Charles L. Littman, 2000 Volume VGLSpf 129 Date: 2000
Saving our soil / written by Chris Wootton; National Soil Conservation Program, 1985 Volume VGLSpf 307 Date: 1985
Sawlog harvesting proposal Yalmy Block Orbost Forest District / State Forests and Lands Service Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands, 1984 Volume VGLSpf 170 Date: 1984
Scoping study for ecosystem evaluation upper Nepean borefield area / Sydney Catchment Authority, 2005 Volume VGLSpf 301 Date: 2005
Seagrass research: priorities for seagrass research in Australia / Cappo M. [and 3 others] ; FRDC, 1999 Volume VGLSpf 63 Date: 1999
Second Australian conference in soil science: held at the University of Melbourne, Victoria, August 1957, 1957 Volume VGLS 20 Date: 1957