Soil conservation in New Zealand: a report on study tour / by L. J. Squires, 1979 Volume VGLSf 9 Date: 1979
Soils and hydrology of rager uranium mine sites in relation to the application of retention of pond water / C.J. Chartres [and 6 others], 1991 Volume VGLSpf 12 Date: 1991
Soils of the nangiloc-coilgnan area / E.H. Mikhail, J.J. Martin; State Chemistry Laboratory, 1986 Volume VGLSq 128 Date: 1986
Soil Survey: Shire of Evans Northern Sector / by R.J. Morse Soil Conservationist, 1980 Volume VGLSpf 9 Date: 1980
Soluble nutrient inputs in rain and outputs in stram water during 1977 for small Forested Catchment in north east Victoria / by D.W. Flinn, L.J. Bren and P. Hopmans, 1979 Volume VGLSpf 256 Date: 1979
Some factors influencing the production of Marram Grass and American Beachgrass in souther coastal environments / by S.A. Zallar ; Soil Conservation Authority; prepared for presentation to third Australian Conference on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, March 29177, in Melbourne Australia by the Institute of Engineers Australia, 1977 Volume VGLSpf 77 Date: 1977
Some thoughts on accommodating people in natural landscapes / prepared and published by the Forests Commission Victoria, 1973 Volume VGLSf 11 Date: 1973