Tariff and revenue policy reform in the water industry in Western Australia / C.G. Pollett, [1988?] Volume VGLSq 218 Date: [1988?]
Tasmanian spotlight survey manual: a set of instructions and maps for conducting spotlight surveys Tasmania / complied by Gregory J HocKing, Micheal M Driessen, 1992 Volume VGLSq 146 Date: 1992
Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage area proposal for joint funding program 1994-95 to 1998-99 / Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania, 2000 Volume VGLSq 161 Date: 2000
Taxonomy in crisis? A report of a national workshop held in Canberra 18 October 1955, 1995 Volume VGLSpf 202 Date: 1995
Temperature and salinity tolerances of the larvae of the northern pacific seastar Asterias amurensis / by C.A. Sutton and B.D. Bruce, 1996 Volume VGLSpf 78 Date: 1996
The adoption of dryland Lucerne in North-Central Victoria / Kieran Ransom, Neil Barr, 1994 Volume VGLSpf 308 Date: 1994
The alPine vegetation of the bogong / Keith Mcdougall ; Environmental Studies Division, 1982 Volume VGLSq 60 Date: 1982
The application of salinity control techniques in Victoria: a report prepared for Salinity Committee of the Victorian Parliament / Gutteridge Haskins and Davey Pty Ltd in association with ACIL Australia Pty Ltd, Australian Groundwater Consultants Pty Ltd, Melbourne University School of Agriculture and Forestry, 1983 Volume VGLS 38 Date: 1983
The aquaculture potential of the Yabbie Cherax destructor: results of South Australian research, 1989-91 / Martin Smallridge, 1992 Volume VGLSpf 161 Date: 1992