Printed article: 'The Church in the North Pacific'. On the Hawaiian Islands and the church there. Seeking subscriptions to be sent to the Hawaiian Consulate or the Hawaiian Church Fund Unit ID: f. 44
Printed leaflet: 'Fundamental Provisions and Regulations for the Government of the United Church of England and Ireland within the Diocese of Adelaide in South Australia' Unit ID: ff. 324-7
Printed, private and confidential, 'Draft for consideration of the Missionary Bishoprics Committee' Unit ID: f. 122
Printed Report of the Committee of the Lower House of Convocation on Home and Foreign Missions Unit ID: ff.413-17
Printed report of the Committee of the Upper House of Convocation appointed to consider and report on the best mode of increasing the home and foreign missions of the Church of England Unit ID: ff. 411-12
Proceedings of Synod of Diocese of New Zealand (printed), 1867-06-18 Unit ID: ff.341-344 Date: 1867-06-18
Proceedings of the First Session of the Ninth Synod of the Diocese of Christchurch, N.Z., 1875 Unit ID: f.153 Date: 1875