Earl Of Harewood Archives: Canning Papers, 21 August 1821-01 March 1826 Date: 1821-08-21/1826-03-01 Physical Description: 7 items
Earl of Harewood Archives: Lord Canning Papers, 14 October 1842-29 November 1861 Date: 1842-10-14/1861-11-29 Physical Description: 42 items
Earl of Harewood Archives: Stapleton Papers, 03 February 1822-30 April 1829 Date: 1822-02-03/1829-04-30 Physical Description: 2 items
Records of Kirby, Son and Atkinson, Solicitors, of Harrogate, 1856-04-14 Unit ID: Acc. 1306 Date: 1856-04-14 Physical Description: 1 item
Records of Shaw, Mottershead and Badgery, Solicitors, of Colne, 1860-11 September 1861 Unit ID: Acc. 1056 Date: 1860/1861-09-11 Physical Description: 2 items