Announcing the opening of Luigi's Second House : Luigi's 2 Coffee Lounge and Restaurant (cuisine Francaise). Perth, 1956-07-16 Folder 29 Date: 1956-07-16
Annual Banquet of the Incorporated Sales Managers' Association. Mayfair Hotel, London, England, 1928-02-21 Folder 73 Date: 1928-02-21
Annual Conference of the Royal London Staff Association: programme. Winter Gardens, Morcambe, Lancashire, England, 10 October 1934-12 October 1934 Folder 74 Date: 1934-10-10/1934-10-12
Annual Dinner at the Vienna Café, the Melbourne Dental Students Society, Dr W.A. Morrison (President). Collins Street, Melbourne, 1906-12-06 Folder 19 Date: 1906-12-06
Annual dinner of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science (Victorian Branch). William Angliee Food Trades School, Melbourne, 1959-09-26 Folder 23 Date: 1959-09-26
Annual Dinner of the Red Rose Club: menu. Savoy Hotel, London, England, 1913-04-23 Folder 72 Date: 1913-04-23
Annual House: dinner menu and wine list. Commercial Travellers' Club, Melbourne, 1908-07-18 Folder 19 Date: 1908-07-18
Annual "Ladies' Night" of the London Branch of ISMA: invitation. Dorchester Hotel, London, England, 1951-11-16 Folder 74 Date: 1951-11-16