Why Dalgety should be the Australian capital, c. 1908-1909, 1908-1909 Item MC N 2225 JAFP HIST 140 Unit ID: 140 Date: c. 1908-1909, 1908/1909
Why you should spend your summer holiday in central New England / issued under the joint authority of the Municipality of Glen Innes, the Severn Shire Council (Glen Innes), and the Guyra Shire Council, Guyra, N.S.W. ; prepared by E. C. Sommer, 1925 Item MC N 2225 JAFP HIST 567 Unit ID: 567 Date: 1925
Wild animals of the world : being a popular guide to Taronga Zoological Park / by Charles Hedley, 1923 Item MC N 2225 JAFP HIST 1431 Unit ID: 1431 Date: 1923
Willoughby : a centenary history of the municipality from earliest times / by Eric Russell, 1965 Item MC N 2225 JAFP HIST 1567 Unit ID: 1567 Date: 1965
Willowie Methodist Church jubilee celebrations, 1929 Item MC N 2225 JAFP HIST 2077 Unit ID: 2077 Date: 1929
Willsmere Hospital (Kew Mental Hospital) : centenary souvenir brochure, 1872-1972, 1972 Item MC N 2225 JAFP HIST 2334 Unit ID: 2334 Date: 1972
Wilson Hall : Centre and symbol of the University / by R.M. Crawford, 1952 Item MC N 2225 JAFP HIST 2454 Unit ID: 2454 Date: 1952
Wimmera Shire centenary : an historical account / compiled by L. J. Blake and K. H. Lovett, 1962 Item MC N 2225 JAFP HIST 2671 Unit ID: 2671 Date: 1962
Windsor and Richmond Gazette, 15th July, 1927, 1927 Item MC N 2225 JAFP HIST 1582 Unit ID: 1582 Date: 1927