Year book : together with constitution, by-laws, competition rules and fixtures 1930-1931, 1930 Item MC N 2225 JAFP HIST 84 Unit ID: 84 Date: 1930
You are invited to be with us at the laying of the foundation stone, Crookwell War Memorial, 1939-1945 : Remembrance Sunday, by Lt Col. Charles Anderson, V.C., M.C., 1953 Item MC N 2225 JAFP HIST 473 Unit ID: 473 Date: 1953
You are invited to join the Jenolan Caves Historical and Preservation Society, 1973 Item MC N 2225 JAFP HIST 714 Unit ID: 714 Date: 1973
Young : Bureau of information, compiled to June, 1919, 1919 Item MC N 2225 JAFP HIST 1629 Unit ID: 1629 Date: 1919
Your guide to Canberra / [produced by the News and Information Bureau, Canberra, for the Department of the Interior], 1956 Item MC N 2225 JAFP HIST 142 Unit ID: 142 Date: 1956
Your national capital : the heart of Australia, 1962 Item MC N 2225 JAFP HIST 37 Unit ID: 37 Date: 1962