Sail training articles, printed material and newspaper clippings, correspondence Box 48 Unit ID: 412-13
Sail training Sail training Association U.K. minutes of meetings 1962-69 correspondence, research material and articles by A.V Box 48 Unit ID: 414-17
Sail-training Ship - International race committee 1955-58 notebook, correspondence, articles and agreement with publishers for "A Book of Sea Adventures" Box 49 Unit ID: 420
San Francisco correspondence Maritime Museum S.F. 1954-1957 also newspaper cuttings Box 50 Unit ID: 429
Santa Maria 1955, 1963-5 correspondence, newspaper cuttings, photographs and model of the "Santa Maria" Box 50 Unit ID: 430
Saturday Review - 1969 concerning Manuscript "The Voyage of Magellan" also draft of manuscript Box 50 Unit ID: 431