354 News (I & E Section, Women;s Replacement and Disposition Centre, Manila), isuues 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 Sep 1945. Box 17 (MS Acc12.115)
3' reel to reel audio tape, labelled, '1. Prime Minister Visit to Port Moresby July 197-', '2.S/P Games Tahiti, Sept 12th 1971'.
5' reel to reel audio tape, labelled, 'Funeral of Sir W. Churchill; Voice of Sir W. Churchill; The Sounds of Time.'
5'x 8mm movie film metal canister labelled, 'Port Moresby Andrew Waiberia Govt House Fairfax harbour 1976-79.'
8mm movie film labelled, 'Buka and Mortlock' / 'Mortlocks King Weavers 1963', in 5' plastic canister.