L.F. Harry Croyden funeral service booklet and eulogies, 1999; Barbara Croyden, 80th birthday party, 4 Jun 2006 Box 22 (MS Acc12.115)
Lindgren, PNG Independence, including press cutting re departure of Speer from PNG. Box 24 (MS Acc12.115)
List of passengers believed to have left New Britain on above ship compiled by A. Creswick and G. Thomas, recovered Prisoners of War, 10 Oct 1945, cover sheet only, Ts., p/c, 2pp.; Andrea Williams to Australian Red Cross, seeking information about her grandfather, Philip Coote, 21 Sep 2006, Ts., 1p.; HQ First Army (AIF), 19 Oct 1945, re Aust PW and Civilians at Rabaul, seeking list of personnel believed to have been on board the Monteovideo Maru, Ts., p/c, 1p., with Left Rabaul, a list of 168 people, Ts., p/c, 2pp.; Plan of the Town of Rabaul, Apr 1943, p/c; Japanese surrender leaflet, 23 Jan 1942, p/c; photo, Chinatown, Rabaul, 1927; photo, Box 2 (MS Acc14.091)
LNA The Better Way, Brook, PNG, Tony Siaguru, The League for National Advancement, n.d. (c.1986); 12pp. Box 10 (MS Acc12.115)