Untitled paper, beginning, 'I have given some thought to your query regarding PNG problems…', n.d., Ts., roneo, 2pp. Box 7 (MS Acc12.115)
Vacancy Information, Public Service of Papua New Guinea, Assistant Patrol Officers, Dept of the Administrator, Oct 1971, 5pp., 1971 Box 7 (MS Acc12.115) Date: 1971
Val Crellin. Letter to Albert Speer from Anthony Crellin about his mother, 2000. Box 19 (MS Acc12.115)
Vic Pasco one man exhibition of paintings held at the … Islander Hotel 7th-9th September 1979, catalogue, with press cuttings, Post-Courier, 24 Aug 1979; and note from Richard Porter, Julian Ashton Art School, to Speer, 30 Mar 2002, Ms., 1p., 1979, 2002 Box 5 (MS Acc12.115) Date: 1979, 2002
Video recording, Tok Piksa -Tokaska - 17/9/04 - Independence, which shows the PNG Independence Celebration 2004, including the Luke Save Art Exhibition in which Mirisa had two paintings
Village Directory, TPNG Dept of District Administration, 1968; 125pp., maps. This copy used for malaria control mapping., 1968 Box 6 (MS Acc12.115) Date: 1968