Personal Correspondence, 1913-March 1940 Unit ID: 25 Date: 1913/1940-03 Physical Description: 2 items
Personal Correspondence, February 1899-July 1903 Unit ID: 23. (Box 8) Date: 1899-02/1903-07 Physical Description: 2 items
Petition to Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman to continue the civil list pension to widow and daughters of Reverend Lorimer Fison. Includes resume of his life and work and press cutting of obituary. (3p.), 1908 Date: 1908
Philippines, April 1909-September 1926 Unit ID: 5102 Date: 1909-04/1926-09 Physical Description: 5 items
Photographs of stone implements and carvings from Chatham Islands, some from Dominion Museum, Wellington, and Bishop Museum, Hawaii (c.100 images)