Maverick mathematician: the life and science of JE Moyal - Ann Moyal's correspondence with JE Moyal's American colleagues, Cosmos Zachos and Thomas Curtright, 2005 Box 10 (MS Acc10.143) Unit ID: 59 Date: 2005
Maverick mathematician: the life and science of JE Moyal - early annotated draft, ca. 2005 Box 10 (MS Acc10.143) Unit ID: 58 Date: ca. 2005
Maverick mathematician: the life and science of JE Moyal - research material arranged by country and JE Moyal's university appointments, 1971-2006 Box 10 (MS Acc10.143) Unit ID: 55 Date: 1971/2006
Maverick mathematician: the life and science of JE Moyal - research materials and copies of Paul Dirac-Moyal correspondence (originals held by Basser Library, Australian Academy of Science), 2002-2006 Box 10 (MS Acc10.143) Unit ID: 54 Date: 2002/2006
Maverick mathematician: the life and science of JE Moyal - reviews, research material, correspondence; obituaries for JE Moyal and condolence letters; contract, papers and correspondence, including with ANU E-Press, Alan Carey, Joe Gani, 1998-2007 Box 10 (MS Acc10.143) Unit ID: 57 Date: 1998/2007
Maverick mathematician: the life and science of JE Moyal - transcripts of oral history interviews with JE Moyal (interviews 1979 and 1993), Joe Gani, Alan McIntosh, John Corbett, David Forrester, Don McNeil; correspondence with John Corbett of Macquarie University; research material, 2003-2004 Box 10 (MS Acc10.143) Unit ID: 56 Date: 2003/2004