Correspondence and research relating to Telecommunications and Gender session at Pacific Science Congress, 1991; correspondents include Grant Noble, Mark Balnaves, Marian Sawer, 1988-1991 Box 13 (MS Acc10.143) Unit ID: 71 Date: 1988/1991
Correspondence assorted including Stuart MacDonald and Barry Jones, n.d. Box 4 (MS Acc14.010) Unit ID: 3 Date: n.d.
Correspondence - John Clarke, John Bastin, John and Ingrid Moses, Quentin and Michael Bryce, David Raphael, Gwen Woodroofe, Hilary Webster, Ross Humphreys Anna Lanyon, Stuart Macdonald, Sue Wareham Box 3 (MS Acc10.143) Unit ID: 17
Correspondence regarding the Moyal Lectures and Medal, Macquarie University. Correspondents include Joe Gani, Alan McIntosh, John Corbett, 1998-2007 Box 10 (MS Acc10.143) Unit ID: 60 Date: 1998/2007
Correspondence, research and notes relating to the Oral History program at the National Library of Australia. Interviewees include: AS Birch, Frank Fenner, Erich Weigold, Bernhard Neumann, William James (Jim) Peacock, Mandyam Srinivasan, Norman Reaburn, Fay Gale, Patricia Clark, Robert Gregory, Naguib Kanawati, Di Yerbury and Don Lamberton, 1994-2008 Box 4 (MS Acc10.143) Unit ID: 20 Date: 1994/2008
Correspondence with Frank Fenner; drafts of preface to Nature, nurture and chance: the lives of Frank and Charles Fenner, 2006 Box 15 (MS Acc10.143) Unit ID: 94 Date: 2006
Cross-cultural telecommunications research - correspondence with British researchers, including Guy Fielding, Jill Hills; research material, 1989-1990 Box 14 (MS Acc10.143) Unit ID: 85 Date: 1989/1990
Cross-cultural telecommunications research - correspondence with Telecom managers, Communication Research Institute of Australia; research, 1989-1992 Box 14 (MS Acc10.143) Unit ID: 83 Date: 1989/1992
Cross-cultural telecommunications research - research regarding use of the telephone in France, including correspondence with Gerard Claisse, Frantz Rowe, Gregory Staple, 1987-1992 Box 14 (MS Acc10.143) Unit ID: 79 Date: 1987/1992