loopholes : Greenpeace. Undermining the Kyoto Protocol: Environmental Effectiveness versus Political Expediency
loy yang letter draft2 : Draft Letter: To Investment Houses. AGL/Commonwealth Bank. July 2003. Re: Loy Yang coal fired power station.
lulucf : Climate Action Network Australia. Media Release. 16 November 2000, UN Climate Change Summit, The Hague. Australia named a "Fossil of the Day".
Lyn-Hill-April-consult : [Letter to Senator the Hon Robert Hill. Minister for the Environment. 26 April 2000. From Lyn Allison. Australian Democrats Senator Victoria]
Lyon wrap PR, 140900 : WWF Climate Change Campaign. Press Release 14 September 2000. United States, Japan, Australia and Canada try to maximise Kyoto climate treaty.
Macquarie Bank : Climate Action Network Australia. [Letter to Macquarie Bank. January 2000. Re: Supporting the Climate Action Network of Australia.]