Navigation chart with mileage and meteorological notes for route Kauai to Brisbane and other points enroute. It carries photo of C.T.P. Ulm and his signature, 1931. 32 × 36 cm. framed. Unit ID: 1
Souvenir book of flight of the aircraft VH.UXX "Faith in Australia" - Commander, Flight-Lt C.T.P. Ulm, A.F.C. Includes photos and first flight cover, June 1933 - August 1934. (14p. 31 × 50 cm.) Unit ID: 2
Various items (1-25) including letters, photographs and other papers, 1934-1951 Unit ID: 3 Date: 1934/1951
Various items (1-2) including air mail, a stamp, a chart and a letter, 1934-1935 Unit ID: 4 Date: 1934/1935