Research School of Social Sciences (ANU) - [Loose papers 2] HECS (Higher Education Contribution Scheme), 1989 Box 43 Date: 1989
Research School of Social Sciences (ANU) - [loose papers 2] Higher Education Policy, 1987 Box 44 Date: 1987
Research School of Social Sciences (ANU) - [Loose papers 2] Survey project papers, 1966-1973 Box 46 Date: 1966/1973
Research School of Social Sciences (ANU) - Meeting on 31st August to discuss tertiary education issues papers for consideration, 1987 Box 43 Date: 1987
Research School of Social Sciences (ANU) - Miscellaneous: Survey and stastical information, 1980 Box 46 Date: 1980
Research School of Social Sciences (ANU) - National Board of Employment, education and training meeting 20 January 1988 Professor D Aitkin, 1988 Box 44 Date: 1988
Research School of Social Sciences (ANU) - Note on the sample, preface, questionnaire etc, 1979 Box 48 Date: 1979
Research School of Social Sciences (ANU) - Quaires {[sic] Frequencies Fields Rose Chapter (questionaires on electoral behaviour in Australia), 1965-1970 Box 47 Date: 1965/1970