'Bread for the world'. File containing single letter advising of grant approval for running costs of Gaubin district hospital, 29 November 1988 Box 18 Unit ID: 176 a Date: 29 November 1988
'Buffalo correspondence'. Letter regarding a proposal to lease land for a buffalo breeding project, 24 May 1983 [9-1-1] Box 19 Unit ID: 184
'Christian broadcasting service (list of books)'. Includes minutes of meetings of the Madang brethren, a list of books held in the mission library, and information about the Christian broadcasting service, 1961-87 [2-8-2] Box 10 Unit ID: 88
'Church/govt health documnts - policies - Cuso volunteer'. Correspondence and papers relating to the provision of health care in PNG. Includes Department of Health correspondence, and papers relating to the Lutheran Church's role in health care, 1975-87 [1-1-4] Box 3 Unit ID: 5
'CMC file'. Photocopied occasional papers from the CMC Health Planning Unit, 1973-74, 1987 [1-4-1] Box 5 Unit ID: 20
'Commonwealth Order of Australia correspondence, honorary Doctor degree, UPNG, unsung hero and heroines award'. Correspondence, congratulatory letters, papers and newsletters relating to honours awarded to Tscharke, (2 files) 1974-94 [2-1-6] Box 8 Unit ID: 60