'Dr Moynihan's Gaubin workload statistics'. Photocopied correspondence and statistical records, 1984-85 [9-1-4] Box 19 Unit ID: 186
'Dr Moynihan's workload survey statistics'. Photocopied correspondence and statistical information, 1984-86 [1-2-4] Box 4 Unit ID: 17
'Dr Sophie Reid Yaws study 1983-1988'. Correspondence, reports and papers relating to the study [1-1-5b] Box 3 Unit ID: 8
'Drugs donations: Red Cross, Rotary, private'. Lists of drugs and equipment donated, 1989-90 [1-5-2] Box 5 Unit ID: 32
'ELCONG constitution and by-laws'. Photocopied minutes of meetings, correspondence and President's report, 1970-83 [1-2-1] Box 4 Unit ID: 13
'Emergency kit:- DCA helibox'. Photocopied correspondence and papers relating to the provision of an emergency crash medical kit, 1974-81 [1-7-1] Box 7 Unit ID: 49