'Plans for digester - compound plan'. Correspondence, notes, report, proposal and purchase orders relating to the installation of a methane digester plant for the Gaubin district hospital, 1973-76 [8-2-3a] Box 19 Unit ID: 181
'Policy of Gaubin District Hospital - ELC PNG - expendable and non-expendable'. Photocopied papers and correspondence, mainly from the ELC and the Department of Health, on policy issues relating to the provision of medical services, 1983-87 [1-1-8] Box 4 Unit ID: 11
'Population information program'. Copy of the journal Population Reports, May 1992 Box 16 Unit ID: 149 a Date: May 1992
'Postmortem forensic medicine'. Correspondence relating to supply of equipment, and notes on performing postmortem operations, 1986-88 [1-4-6] Box 5 Unit ID: 27
'Post Office relating correspondence'. Photocopied correspondence and paperwork, 1986-87 [1-3-1] Box 4 Unit ID: 18
'Prenatal records Gaubin district hospital'. Includes photocopied policy document on immunisation, and Department of Health guidelines for dealing with communicable diseases , 1978-83 [4-1-3a] Box 11 Unit ID: 102
'Proff [sic] C Gibbs, Sydney, Proff [sic] Jilek, Canada: correspondence', 1984-87 [1-6-2] Box 6 Unit ID: 34