12 letters and eight cards, 1984-90, from Barrett Reid. Most were written while Reid was the editor of Overland. The subjects include personal news, Reid's comments on Riddell's writings (eg. her poems 'Musk duck' 'His life', 'November' and 'The poet and the wind processor' and radio program), Reid's readings (eg. Illywacker), invitation for Riddell to write reviews for Overland (eg. the Labour ward by John Strauss, This goes with this by P. Goldsmith and Honey by Kate Llewellyn) and news of the death and an account of the funeral of Stephen Murray-Smith (Sept. 1988) Unit ID: 7
Cuttings and typescripts of articles and 18 poems by Barrett Reid, including an obituary of John Reed and 'A landscape painter: the Sidney Nolan Retrospective Exhibition' and copies of Reid's correspondence with Max Harris Unit ID: 8
Drafts of poem the 'First hearing' and an article by Riddell and poems by others (including 'A marriage' by John Tranter and 'Migrating' and 'At country airfields' by Duncan Richardson) Unit ID: 4
Letters of Stephen Murray-Smith (1982 and 1988) concerning The dictionary of Australian quotations Unit ID: 10
Papers concerning Patrick White, including Riddell's review of Flaws in the glass, a manuscript poem by Patrick White entitled 'Ryme dreamed after a talk with someone on recipes for suicide, Australia Day 1981' and a photocopy of an article entitled 'Guests of Patrick White' by Brother G.C. Davy (in Our studies, May 1964) Unit ID: 9
Riddell's miscellaneous drafts of reviews and cuttings, including 'Some people in summer' Unit ID: 5-6