Eric Rolls' correspondence with: R.D.Fitzgerald re Vietnam War 1968; Tom Griffiths, Bill Gammage, Diana Hawken; Jim Noble; John Newton, Chris Fiek, Mike Archer, Roger Deakin, Wall to Wall, Re Fort Street with photographs; Ruth Blair: Slow Food; Birds Australia; Charlotte Wood; Australian Native Bee Research Centre; Mark Tredinnick; re Centenary Medal; Jane Lennon; Bill Fenner; John Marsden; Laurie Muller; Tim McCartney Snape; Darrell Lewis; Pter Beattie; LandCom; Janet Cohen; Sue Briggs; Robert McAfee; Peter Marcfarlane re Chinese; Gabrielle Carey; Fay Beebe; David Lu re Chinese; Christine Williams; Denise Humphreys; Australian Society of Authors; Edward Duyker; Dr John Pickard re fencing wire and relevant papers; Suzanne Fraser re Wile Cattle Creek logging; Bio for Who's Who; Roger McDonald and Sue Fisher; Robert Onfray; Carolyn Leach Paholski; Camden Haven Arts Coucil; Roger Fryer; Ben Morphett; Mavis Barnes re water; Fort Street; Deborah Rose; Kempsey West Public School; Michael Denholm Box 18
Eric Rolls; early experiments with poems and songs, including music, dance, visual word play, the shape of words and tom fooleries, 1950s-1970s Box 7 Date: 1950s-1970s