MSS and first typescripts of many of the poems used in Sheaf Tosser plus some unused poems. (approx 40 poems. Mainly typescript with few amendments). Some have been published Box 31 Unit ID: 189_190
MSS and preliminary notes for prose version of The Green Mosaic - not used (250 pages) Box 29 Unit ID: 175_176
MSS and typescripts of poems, some published, some not, originally being collected for a book I did not go ahead with (13 poems) Published printed copy of "The fox", winner of arenfell Henry Lawson Festival, 1960 Ampol Award for verse" Box 31 Unit ID: 191
MSS The River (Look) plus first typescript and letters in praise of it from Barbara Ker Wilson and Douglas Stewart (MS 107 p. Typescript 61 p. Minor amendments) Box 29 Unit ID: 179
National Landcare Awards 1990 Program And Guest List And Media Release Including Official Invitation Box 6