3 books from Hong Kong and the Asian Composers Festival, music magazines (Berlin, Prague, New York, Australia and Zurich), piano score for "L'Encens se Leve..", concert programs (Sydney, Salzburg and Berlin), conference programs (Seoul), N.S.W. Board of Senior Secondary Studies papers, cards, post cards and stamps (Loose, in an envelope and on envelopes, miscellaneous correspondence, list of contacts, institutions and addresses headed "re Klavierstuck I", 1979 - 1991 Box 29 Unit ID: 252 Date: 1979 - 1991
3 folders containing correspondence, newsletters, programs, tickets, pamphlets, music booklets, transcripts, conference papers relating to Asian Composer's League, 1975 - 1986 Box 5 Unit ID: 33 Date: 1975 - 1986