Research and correspondence file concerning biographical aspect's of Thomas White, proofs of book and related material, c. 2004-2005 Box 11 Date: c. 2004-2005
Research and correspondence file, copies of correspondence to wife Nina, c. 1919-1931 Box 8 Date: c. 1919-1931
Research and correspondence file, Francis Ashmead Bartlett, includes colour photographs and negatives of FA-B, 2004-2005 Box 8 Date: 2004/2005
Research and correspondence files (10) including plaque project, Submarine plans, research notes and correspondence re Selcuk Kolay, list of submariners 1913-1931, c. 1913-1919; 1993-2004 Box 16 Date: c. 1913-1919; 1993-2004
Research and correspondence files, captions for photographs, Screensound research papers, extracts and copies of various archive materials on EA-B, c1911-2015 Box 8 Date: c1911-2015
Research and correspondence files EA-B, includes typed extracts of diaries, research from other archives, copy of With the Turks in Thrace (1913), EA-B, Bibliography, file on Sir Ian Hamilton, and related material, c. 1913-2015 Box 9 Date: c. 1913-2015
Research and correspondence files, includes copies of Asmead-Bartlett diary (1915), research files of Ellis Ashmead Bartlett (EA-B), copies of extracts of monographs, 1915-2015 Box 7 Date: 1915/2015
Research and correspondence files, including maritime archaeologocal heritage reports of AE2, bound reports, journal articles on the Dardanelles campaign, speaking engagement papers, c. 1998-2008 Box 17 Date: c. 1998-2008