The bulk of MS 7887 collection comprises Watson's own papers documenting most phases of his life, from early days as student medical practitioner to his long career as a historian, publicist editor of Historical records of Australia. Also papers of his father, James Watson, of other forbears. Papers include family, business, political official correspondence, manuscripts, research material, essays, cutting books, certificates, legal documents, printed items, invitations photographs, as well as books from Watson's library an unusual array of objects. Major correspondents include: Sir Mungo MacCallum, B. R. Wise, Charles MacDonald, Sibella Macarthur Onslow, Elliot Johnson, J. H. Keating, Sir Earle Page, G. A. Wood, W. A. Holman, Sir Daniel Levy, Frank Clune, Lallah Keating, A. B. Paterson, H. E. Hunt (75 boxes + 2 folio boxes + 2 pieces + 1 medium phase box).