14 charcoal (?) sketches of un-named dancers in action, 26x33 cm - broken numbering sequence (2-4, 6-8, 11, 14, 17-18, 20-23) Box Folio Box 29 Unit ID: Item 1
3-ring, A4 folder titled - "Elizabeth Langley, dancer, choreographer, teacher, reviewer", containing references, articles, photos (col. & b/w), programmes, etc. Box 11 Unit ID: 3
5 b/w photocopies of expressive hand-drawn images [charcoal and ink?], 29.4x42cm. Box Folio Box 29 Unit ID: Item 5
5 postcard-sized images - "König Echnaton" (Ägyptischen Museum, Berlin, b/w), "Dance around the fireball", by Christian Rohlfs, (ICCA, col.), "Cake-walk" by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, (ICCA, col.), "Spaziergang im Garten" (Ägyptischen Museum, Berlin, col.), [unnamed image of ancient Egyptian mural, col. Box 22 Unit ID: 1
"AADE Conferences - 1982, Brisbane; 1984, N.S.W.; 1986, Caulfield; 1977, Melbourne", 1977-1986 Box 26 Unit ID: 1 Date: 1977/1986