Copies of article 'The academic freedom question - presenting four points of view, ANU reporter, December 1977, p.4 and manuscript of Arndt's part of the article Box 168 (MS 6641) Unit ID: 16
Copies of correspondence and other papers of Sir John Crawford relating to his appointment as Vice Chancellor, 1961-83 Box 187 (MS 6641) Unit ID: 5 Date: 1961-83
Copies of correspondence and other papers of Sir John Crawford relating to his leaving the civil service, 1958-83 Box 187 (MS 6641) Unit ID: 4 Date: 1958-83
Copy of article, drafts and related papers of 'Keynes or Friedman or both? an essay in macroeconomic theory for Indonesia, EKI, v.27, no. 3 (Sept. 1979), pp 283-396 Box 170 (MS 6641) Unit ID: 46
Copy of article 'The painful trade choice Australia must face', by C.T. Edwards in Financial review, 8 Aug. 1977 and Arndt's letter of comment, 1977 Box 168 (MS 6641) Unit ID: 21