ANC Steve TshweteThomas Nkobi Eddie Fundi with Rugby Union Ex President and Secretary, 1989 Album MS Cold Store 13 Date: 1989
ANC Virginia Modise Australian scholarship in Education, 1989-1990 Album MS Cold Store 13 Date: 1989/1990
APHEDA Board with ANC EX Committee members Thomas Nkobi and Steve Tshwete, 1989 Album MS Cold Store 13 Date: 1989
APHEDAs 30 anniversary L-R Angelo Helen Ged Kearney Sharran Burrows Kate Lee, 2014 Album MS Cold Store 13 Date: 2014
APHEDA staff L-R Back Donna Burns Peter Jennings Phillip Hazelton Front Dorothy and Maria, 1988 Album MS Cold Store 13 Date: 1988