(a) A general account of Mahoney's background and a list of all the egg clutches he collected Box 36 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including a list of all the egg clutches he collected] of Hedbloom by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Miscellaneous notes on Hedbloom Box 24 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including a list of all the egg clutches he collected] of Hemsley by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Miscellaneous notes on Hemsley Box 24 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including a list of all the egg clutches he collected] of Johnston by Mason Pfitzner Box 31 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including a list of all the egg clutches he collected] of Kalnins by Mason Pfitzner; (b) General inforamtion on Kalnins's background Box 31 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including a list of all the egg clutches he collected] of Kolichis by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Miscellaneous publications Box 33 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including a list of egg clutches he collected] of Lau by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Miscellaneous notes on Lau's background; (c) Book: Fletcher, J. (1991). Hermann Lau and his Sojourns (1854-1859) in Sydney, Goulburn, Braidwood, Araluen, Moruya and Shoalhaven. Book Collectors' Society of Australia, Sydney. Box 33 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including a list of egg clutches he collected] of Pinner by Mason Pfitzner Box 42 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of all the egg clutches he collected] of Gogerly by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Copies obituary notices in newspapers and few general references Box 20 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of all the egg clutches he collected] of Grubb by Mason Pfitzner; (c) copy of a list of his eggs now in the QVMAG Box 21 (MS Acc11.034)