(a) Photographs of Bedford and his aircraft; (b) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of Bedford by Mason Pfitzner; (c) Misc accounts of Bedford's family Box 7 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Photographs of Benn; (b) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of Benn by Mason Pfitzner; (c) Misc information and family histoy material from Benn's daughter Box 7 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) photographs of Beruldsen; (b) Biography [including family tree and a list of all the egg clutches he collected] of Beruldsen by Mason Pfitzner; (c) Misc records, references and personal background information by Beruldsen; (d) copies of Beruldsen's egg data cards Box 8 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Photographs of Bonnin; (b) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of Bonnin by Mason Pfitzner; (c) Copies of obituaries and a number of other articles; (d) Editorial comments from Bonnin's wife Box 10 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Photographs of both Ramsays and wildlife photographs; (b) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches they collected] of the Ramsays by Mason Pfitzner; (c) Copies of personal files and certificates [originals with the Ramsay family]; (d) Obituaries, family history and miscellaneous publications relevant to the Ramsay's background; (e) Book: Strahan. R. (ed) (1979). Rare and Curious Specimens. An illustrated history of the Australian Museum 1827-1979. Offset Alpine Printing Pty Ltd, Aust. Box 42 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Photographs of both Ribbons; (b) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches they collected] of the Ribbons family by Mason Pfitzner; (c) Copies of BDM certificates; (d) Book: Pinnaroo Historical Society (2006). Pinnaroo, hub of the mallee. J.C. Irving Co. Pty Ltd, Berri, SA. Box 43 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Photographs of both the 'Bunns' egg cabinet; (b) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches they collected] of the Bunns by Mason Pfitzner; (c) General geneaological information from the family several copies of BDM certificates Box 11 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Photographs of both the Cains; (b) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches they collected] of the Cains by Mason Pfitzner; (c) Copies of various letters, data cards, obituaries and general geneaological information Box 11 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Photographs of both the Mawhineys and their collection; (b) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of the Mawhineys by Mason Pfitzner; (c) Personal notes of the family's history from Hugh Hick [nephew]; (d) Copies of BDM certificates; (e) Background information on the Mawhiney collection Box 37 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Photographs of both Zietz; (b) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches they collected] of the 'Zietzs' by Mason Pfitzner; (c) Obituaries of the 'Ziests', published biographies and relevant reference publications Box 51 (MS Acc11.034)