Crisp to John Kershaw [15: ca.1970s-1980s] - originals in Kershaw file; Justin Crisp (son) to Ian J. Mason [1: 2006] Box 16 (MS Acc11.034)
(d) Allan Ey's notes (2 red books) on the birds breeding in the Burdekin basin, Qld Folio-Box 18 (MS Acc11.034)
(d) Biographical notes and genealogical history of Harvey and family from Phyllis Davis [daughter] Folio-Box 25 (MS Acc11.034)
Denne, Nigel Darcy (1883 - 1975); Denne, Rupert NR (1912 - 1986); Denne, Colin Keith (1913 - 1997); Denne, Brian VA (1915 - 2005) Box 16 (MS Acc11.034)