Documents relating to grandfather Harry including will, recognition of Masonic service and land ownership Box 4 Unit ID: 12
Dotars 2002. Overprinting Horizontal and Vertical. Molonglo Press, 6/06/1978 Digital-Carriers-Box 36 Unit ID: NLA.MS-DM010184 Date: 6/06/1978
Draft letter Jan/Molonglo October 1997. Sydney Itinerary Virginia Walsh. Catalogue Digital-Carriers-Box 36 Unit ID: NLA.MS-DM010130
Dutton Manuscript-prelims and text. From Julie Stokes, 10/02/2000 Digital-Carriers-Box 36 Unit ID: NLA.MS-DM010129 Date: 10/02/2000
Ean 13 Barcodes. 80% MAG. Eps/Mac Format, 29/03/2000 Digital-Carriers-Box 36 Unit ID: NLA.MS-DM010175 Date: 29/03/2000
Elizabeth Jolley, ALS letters to Ian Templeman, 1975-1980 [who published her first book Five Acre Virgin]; re various including Women Writers' Conference, Premier's Award, personal news, Milk and Honey; Templeman's poem ';Haunting me already'; Submission for the Arts Access Brochure about ';The Art of Writing and the Incredible Hunger for Books': ';Reading is part of an instinct in the human being to create from tiny fragments of half realised experience, from fields almost too delicate and from landscape, strange and familiar, some kind of whole experience' Box 2 Unit ID: 13