Bert Thomas Case, 1915. Fowler sought the re-opening of the case of Bert Thomas of Perth, who was wrongfully sentenced for murder, and succeeded in obtaining his release. Correspondence and a newspaper item document this case. Unit ID: e)
Electoral material, such as pamphlets, policy statements and correspondence about elections, make up the first group. Unit ID: (i)
Joint Committee of Public Account. Report.... upon the Commonwealth Naval Dockyard, Cockatoo Island, New South Wales. 1915. Unit ID: d)
Joint Committee of Public Accounts. Report ..upon sugar. 1922. Fowler was chairman of this committee, which investigated abnormalities in the high prices of the Colonial Sugar Refining Company. This group of papers includes Hansard excerpts, press cuttings, magazine articles, parliamentary reports and minutes of evidence Unit ID: f)
Nawab Khan Inquiry, 1909. Fowler's investigations into the abduction of a ten-year-old Australian girl to India by her Afghan stepfather, Nawab Khan, resulted in his presentation in 1910 of a bill to amend the Immigration Restriction Act. This subseries contains, as well as correspondence on the topic, newspaper cuttings about this and related cases, part of the amendation to the Immigration Restriction Act, 1901-1908, and the Native Labour Ordinance, Papua, 1906 Unit ID: b)
Political correspondence and miscellaneous papers make up this subseries,including notes by Fowler, Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day for the House of Representatives, letters of Sir John Forrest, Sir Phillip Gibbs and of Fowler himself. Unit ID: (v)
Political press cuttings Collected in this subseries are press cuttings on political topics, including articles and letters by and about Fowler. Unit ID: (iv)
Royal Commission to inquire into certain charges against Henry Chinn, 1919. Henry Chinn, the Supervising Engineer on the construction of the western section of the Trans-Australia Railway was found not to have the appropriate qualifications by a Royal Commission set up in 1913. Contained in this subseries are Hansard excerpts, correspondence, newspaper cuttings, the Commission's report and memoranda in connection with the report. Unit ID: c)