GARRY SHEAD - Interviews with Garry at his home-studio at Bundeena, question lists, notes, three versions of the final feature Box 5
GEORGE NEGUS Journalist. Interviews with George and his partner Kirsty Cockburn in Sydney, around 2000. for a Two of Us feature in GW. notes and story draft, 2000 Box 16 Date: 2000
GILLIAN MEARS Author. Interview with her in 2002 at her then home, Apple box farm, in far northern NSW, near Grafton, to coincide with publication of her book, A MAP OF THE GARDEN. Many faxes and emails setting up the interview. Unusual amount of response to feature - Gillian suffered from a form of paralysis, and this was mentioned in the GW feature. many people, including medical specialists, got in touch with me, suggestion diagnoses and solutions. Many letters, cards, photographs from Gillian following publication of the feature, wanting to stay in touch, and letting me know how her life was going. also photographs she took of me the day I interviewed her. Also - lecture notes for a lecture I gave to feature Writing Students at the UTS in Sydney - using my experience interviewing Gillian as an example of the subtleties and complexities of interviewing a subject, 2002 Box 16 Date: 2002
GRAEME MURPHY AND JANET VERNON Ballet dancers and legendary heads of the Sydney Dance Company interviews with them at Sydney Dance Co studios, in 2000. for a profile on both. GW cover story, research and questions lists to consider, story drafts, ballet programs from SDC, 2000 Box 16 Date: 2000
Guest list for celebratory dinner afterwards at the Bellevue Hotel, Paddington, in a private room upstairs Box 10
HARRY SEIDLER - architect. interviews with him at his office at Kirribilli, and his home at Killara, in 1985 for a major profile. interviews with his wife Penelope, and other leading architects and critics including Davina Jackson. notebooks, background material, story drafts Box 17