The Book (Per un Palestinese/For a Palestinian) includes letters from supporters, publishers and contributors; including Noam Chomsky, Fulvio D'Amoja, Andrew Faulds MP, Antonio Gambino, Moshe Menuhin, Trevor Mostyn, Domenico Pertocoli, Maxime Rodinson, Georges Saidah, Ismail Shammout, Rene Tavernier, Elia Zureik and Omar Zuaiter, 1979-1981 Box 8 (MS 10291) Unit ID: 78 Date: 1979/1981
The Book (Per un Palestinese/For a Palestinian) includes letters from supporters, publishers and contributors; including Noam Chomsky, Fulvio D'Amoja, Andrew Faulds MP, Antonio Gambino, Moshe Menuhin, Trevor Mostyn, Domenico Pertocoli, Maxime Rodinson, Georges Saidah, Ismail Shammout, Rene Tavernier, Elia Zureik and Omar Zuaiter, 1982-2005 Box 8 (MS 10291) Unit ID: 79 Date: 1982/2005
The Book (Per un Palestinese/For a Palestinian) mostly carbon copies of letters from Janet Venn-Brown, 1975-1978 Box 8 (MS 10291) Unit ID: 77 Date: 1975/1978