1. Interviews with Rogerio Lobato. 2. Fretlin songs sung by the children of Bidau, walking through Dili November., November 1975? Cassette-Box 586 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV012203 Date: November 1975?
3. Side 2: Interview Corp. Welly, Indonesian POW. Interview with Manual Seares, Fretlin Bobonaro commander. Cassette-Box 588 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV012230
ABC Reports - Dili - Tony Joyce. AM. 11/01/1976 and 12/01/1976, 11/01/1976, 12/01/1976 Cassette-Box 587 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV012216 Date: 11/01/1976, 12/01/1976
AM/PM news reports for June 1-5 (following ceremony in Dili). Report from Asia 6/06/1976, 13/06/1976, 16/06/1976 - interview with W.T.R(West Irian)-Lateline, 6/06/1976, 13/06/1976, 16/06/1976 Cassette-Box 587 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV012220 Date: 6/06/1976, 13/06/1976, 16/06/1976