Publications, reprints of articles, copies of government documents and news clippings reincome tax 1992, APEC, trade 1993; briefing for Keating visit to China and Korea 1993; Budget briefing 1993/94; 1993 Premiers Conference and Loan Council agenda papers Box 24
Research materials re APEC 1993; drafts of chapters; 'Redbook', 1993-94; press clippings; Edwards notebooks and notes including notes of 1992/93 interviews with Keating and 1989 interview with Peter Walsh; correspondence with Penguin and with editor 1996; correspondence with Don Russell, Australian ambassador in Washington, 1995; press clippings and publications Box 20
Research materials relating to APEC 1993/94; copies of Cabinet submissions and related documents 1992-93 Box 17
Research materials relating to Keating in 1984-89 and 1991-93; drafts of chapters about the end of Keating's period as Treasurer and his time as Prime Minister; Edwards' notes about June 1991 Box 2
Research materials relating to Keating in 1991, 1991 and 1993 including speeches (and drafts of speeches), news clippings, press releases, cartoons, article by John Langmore re the floating of the Australian dollar, copies of government documents and reports, Edwards notebooks re visit to Japan in 1992 Box 1
Research materials relating to Keating overseas visits 1992 and re trade strategy; summaries of interviews 1995/96 with Ken Henry, Jimmy Warner and Paul Keating; notes of interviews with Keating 1986; news clippings; drafts of chapters and notes re writing of manuscript; copy of Treasury History project document 1989 re Australian Economic Policy in the 1 980s; research materials re dismissal of Whitlam government; transcript of ABC program re Hawke/Keating rivalry 1991-1993 Box 19
Research materials re Peter Barron, Tony Cole, Bernie Fraser, Ted Evans, Barry Hughes, Chris Higgins, Lionel Bowen, Simon Crean; notes for article for Australian Economic History Review 1993; press clippings; notebook n.d. kept by Edwards while at Prime Minister's Department; research notes; copies of government documents 1991-1993 Box 14
Research materials re Peter Walsh, David Morgan, John Dawkins, Leo McLeay, Bill Hawden, Bob Hawke, John Button, Ross Garnaut, Bernie Fraser, Graham Freudenberg, Rex Connor, Jan McFarlane, Don Russell, Ralph Willis, John Langmore, Whitlam government; clippings of articles by Max Walsh; copy of 1989 article by Prof W Max Corden re Australian macroeconomic policy; newsclippings; Edwards' notes re 1993 Keating Japan and US trips; notes re the writing of the Keating book Box 13
Summaries of interviews with Michael Hatton and Doug McNelly, 1995, re Keating' s early days; summaries of interviews, 1988, re Keating's time in the NSW ALP with John Armitage, Bob Can, Ron Dyer; summary of interview with Keating, 4 December 1991 re events in 1983/84; transcript of TV interview by Philip Adams and Mary Kostakidis with Keating re turning 50; transcript of Keating TV interview by Andrew Olle 1986; draft of Edwards article re Keating for Bulletin; Edwards notes re 1969-72, 1975-893 and 1987- 90 and undated notebook; drafts and notes re 1987-89 monetary policy dispute; drafts of chapters and research materials re Keating's early life Box 7
Three Edwards notebooks 1991-92; Four 'Redbooks' 1992, Edwards notes 1990/91 and 1993, news clippings and research materials re 1991, FE Stewart's file re Woomera n.d. including articles, photographs of Jindivik, tracking equipment and Woomera and area maps; five photographs relating to Maralinga 1956 including two of 'Buffalo' atomic blast and other research materials relating to Maralinga dated 1968 and 1978, copy of declassified 1949 US National Security Council document re position of US with respect to Asia; Keating speech 1991; Edwards notes re Keating book 1996 Box 21