John Grant (Parramatta) to Elizabeth and Matilda Grant, 1805-01-1-10 January 1805 Unit ID: 22 Date: 1805-01-1/1805-01-10
John Grant. Petition to King George III, supported by sundry citizens, requesting mercy after his conviction for firing a pistol at Spencer George Townsend Unit ID: 9
John Grant (Portsmouth) to Elizabeth Grant, 1803-12-2-1803-12-4 Unit ID: 11 Date: 1803-12-2/1803-12-4
John Grant (Prospect Hill) to Elizabeth, Matilda and Samuel Grant, 1810-07-27 Unit ID: 39 Date: 1810-07-27
Matilda Grant. Petition to Princesses Augusta Sophia, Elizabeth, Mary, Sophia and Amelia [daughters of King George III] supporting her brother's petition and requesting them to use their influence with the King and Queen to reverse the sentence of death imposed on John Grant Unit ID: 10