Small cloth covered album of fifteen photographic studies of KF by Robert McFarlane. Inscribed by the photographer to KF, 13-07-1975 Folio-Box 36 Date: 13-07-1975
SMART, JEFFREY - Two letters [1965 and 1968], a postcard from an early champion of KF, and a few press cuttings Box 10
SOMETHING IN THE AIR - Contract, set of 'fan cards', in housecorrespondence, ABC photocopy publicity file with covering letter, script portions, press cuttings, cast group photo, mounted cast colour photo, mounted cast and crew colour photo, email from Ray Barrett, photo with Stephen Lovatt, 2000-2001 Box 5 Date: 2000/2001
SPEECH NOTES - Folder holding speech 'notes' written for the State Minister for the Arts, The Hon. Peter Collins, QC, MP - some sixty well developed briefs for civic occasions, most of which are effectively the speech itself, folder with speeches in clear plastic sleeves, and published articles at rear Box 31