A ring binder containing a copy of a print out of Robyn Sheahan-Bright's thesis: 'To Market to Market: the Development of the Australian Children's Publishing Industry' Box 1d (MS Acc09.199)
A September 2006 print out of the Addenda and Corrigenda with a number of mostly obscure annotations Box 2d (MS Acc09.199)
A volume collecting together talks, articles and other occasional pieces M gave between the late 1970s and late 1990s, together with photocopies of some published articles Box 1a (MS Acc09.199)
A volume of essays, mostly on early Australian children's books but including a study of the work of the Lindsays, and Australian fairy stories. Also an edited transcription of the shipboard journal of Charlotte Barton on her voyage to Australia (see Box 12) Box 1a (MS Acc09.199)
Correspondence with and papers relating to Ken Pound and his collection of Australian Children's books Box 8a (MS Acc09.199)
Fairyland or the Bush a short, unpublished (and unfinished) book looking at the lives and work of May Gibbs and Ida Rentoul Outhwaite, intended for a wide audience Box 1a (MS Acc09.199)