5 items. Two bundles relating (a) to the shelling of Nauru and the sinking of phosphate ships by German raiders and (b) to the subsequent evacuation of the Islands, are supplementary to papers covering the same period (1941-1942), and deal only with these two special events Box 35
8 bundles of papers relating to the principal considerations and events concerning the BPC during the years 1926-1946 Box 32-35
A biography of Sir John Murray, founder of the Christmas Island enterprise, by H.L. Burstyn of the Carnegie-Mellon University (33 pages) (Item 16) Box 13 Unit ID: 88
A catalogue of papers collected from the Ellis family in New Zealand (Ellis discovered the Ocean Island and Nauru deposits in 1900). These papers are probably in the Australian Archives in Melbourne (last seen by me in 3 tea chests) in the basement of Phosphate House in Collins Street, long since demolished Box 31-32
A collection of papers and copies of documents relating to Scoutmaster Hurst of Geeland who had himself appointed Scout Commissioner for Nauru and became a thorn in the flesh of the Australian Administration. This collection includes Hurst's Blue Print (the Pacific Islander) for the postwar future of Nauru. (Item 22) Box 13 Unit ID: 89-90
A Farewell Speech to Japanese dignitories (significance not clear) A biographical sketch of Nauruan Head Chief Detudamo with special reference to local church politics, by T. Cude (Police Inspector). 7 pages (Item 31) Box 14 Unit ID: 95